# booleanWithin

Boolean-within returns true if the first geometry is completely within the second geometry. The interiors of both geometries must intersect and, the interior and boundary of the primary (geometry a) must not intersect the exterior of the secondary (geometry b). Boolean-within returns the exact opposite result of the @turf/boolean-contains.

> npm install @turf/boolean-within


参数 类型 描述
feature1 (Geometry|Feature) GeoJSON Feature或Geometry
feature2 (Geometry|Feature) GeoJSON Feature或Geometry


boolean - true/false


var line = turf.lineString([[1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4]]);
var point = turf.point([1, 2]);

turf.booleanWithin(point, line);
Last Updated: 6/23/2023, 10:33:35 PM