# lineSliceAlong

Takes a line , a specified distance along the line to a start Point , and a specified distance along the line to a stop point and returns a subsection of the line in-between those points.


参数 类型 描述
line (Feature <LineString>|LineString) input line
startDist number distance along the line to starting point
stopDist number distance along the line to ending point
options Object 可选参数:见下文


属性 类型 默认值 描述
units string kilometers 可以是度、弧度、英里或公里


Feature <LineString> - sliced line


var line = turf.lineString([[7, 45], [9, 45], [14, 40], [14, 41]]);
var start = 12.5;
var stop = 25;
var sliced = turf.lineSliceAlong(line, start, stop, {units: 'miles'});
Last Updated: 6/21/2023, 11:40:17 PM