# sector
Creates a circular sector of a circle of given radius and center Point , between (clockwise) bearing1 and bearing2; 0 bearing is North of center point, positive clockwise.
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
center | Coord | center point |
radius | number | radius of the circle |
bearing1 | number | angle, in decimal degrees, of the first radius of the sector |
bearing2 | number | angle, in decimal degrees, of the second radius of the sector |
options | Object | 可选参数:见下文 |
属性 | 类型 | 默认值 | 描述 |
units | string | kilometers | miles, kilometers, degrees, or radians |
steps | number | 64 | number of steps |
properties | Properties | {} | Translate properties to Feature Polygon |
Feature <Polygon> - sector polygon
var center = turf.point([-75, 40]);
var radius = 5;
var bearing1 = 25;
var bearing2 = 45;
var sector = turf.sector(center, radius, bearing1, bearing2);

← 计算点到多线段最短间距的点 计算最短路径 →